Kundalini Yoga Basics: Breaking it Down for the Beginner

I want to break Kundalini Yoga down for you so that it is accessible to any spiritual seekers who are on the path of growth, healing, self-development, and higher consciousness.

This blog post explains what Kundalini Yoga is and provides some videos so you can get a taste of the Kundalini Yoga Class experience. This will leave you feeling very comfortable and ready to attend your first class.

Everything is taught and explained during class and no experience is required but the blog and videos are meant to make you feel more comfortable and prepared if it’s your first time.

The Kundalini Yoga Class Experience: What it IS and What it is NOT

When you hear the word yoga, it might make you think of crazy, pretzel-like body contortions and you think to yourself, being “flexible” is required to participate. That’s not the case.

When you hear the words mantra and meditation, it might make you think that being able to clear your mind completely is required, well, that’s not required either.

Kundalini Yoga will meet you where you are.

It is for the spiritual seeker. The person who knows there is more to our reality than the physical world. The person who wants to heal and experience their highest and most authentic self.

It is for the person who wants less stress and emotion and more neutrality, joy, and ease.

Once you start to practice, you will be surprised to find that flexibility, physical strength, and clarity, come with ease.

Let’s break it down!

What is Kundalini Yoga?

Kundalini Yoga uses mantra, meditation, pranayama (breathwork), mudras (hand positions), and asana (physical exercises), to clear out subconscious pain and toxicity that is stored in your physical body and energy field so that your Kundalini energy can be released and flow through you.

Kundalini Energy is your creative life-force energy stored at the base of your spine. When your Kundalini energy is awakened and flowing, you feel energized, creative, aligned, and like the best version of yourself.

Kundalini Yoga is the lineage of yoga that raises this energy the fastest. This process activates the Thyroid, Pineal, Adrenal and Pituitary glands, to balance the glandular system.

In addition, it activates specific neurotransmitters and parts of the brain to strengthen the nervous system and it targets organs such as the heart, kidneys, and liver to optimize physical and emotional health.

And, so much more but you will have to come to class to learn more.

Let’s Get you Prepared for Class

I am going to breakdown the mantras, mudras (hand positions), locks, and pranayama you will find in most Kundalini Yoga classes so that you can practice and come to class feeling comfortable and ready to participate.

You can also use these videos to start some Kundalini Yoga at home.

Tuning in with the Adi Mantra

We begin each class by tuning in with the Adi Mantra to connect with our higher self and divine creator within. The mantra is Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo.

Watch this video to learn how to chant the mantra and begin Kundalini Yoga class:

Tuning in with the Adi Mantra

Breath of Fire

Breath of Fire is a common pranayama that you will find in a lot of Kundalini Yoga classes.

Watch this video to learn how to do Breath of Fire:

Root Lock, Diaphragm Lock, and Neck Lock

The locks are an important piece necessary to awaken the Kundalini energy and allow it to flow.

Watch this video to learn about the locks:

Ego Eradicator: Combining Breath of Fire and Root Lock

Try this warm up pranayama exercise to activate your energy, increase immunity, and cleanse your entire blood supply.

Watch this video to try it:

Closing the Class

We always close class by singing Long Time Sun and chanting one long Sat Nam. You do not need a good singing voice for this. It’s all about feeling the energy.

Watch this video to learn the song:

You’re Ready for Kundalini Yoga!

Learn more about how you can take a custom 90 day custom healing journey to reduce stress and anxiety with Reiki and Kundalini Yoga.

Book a free Infinite Possibility Session to learn more


Kundalini Cardio: How to Use Movement and Mantra to Manifest Your Deepest Desires


What is Reiki?