Cleanse your energy and raise your vibration with Shamballa Reiki Healing.

Shamballa Reiki Activation Bundle

Guided by angelic light and infused with Shamballa Reiki, these activations will cleanse your energy field and raise your frequency to a higher vibration to experience more peace and power.  

This bundle brings the magic of Shamballa Reiki and angelic healing to the comfort of your home. I have found that most people need clearing and balancing in their throat, heart, solar plexus, and root chakras and I created these activations to address those challenges.

You will receive the following audio tracks:

  1. Shamballa Reiki Activation and Drum Journey to Step Into Your Power

  2. Shamballa Reiki Activation and Drum Journey to Embody Your Truth

  3. Shamballa Reiki Activation and Drum Journey to Activate Your Heart Center

  4. Shamballa Reiki Activation to Heal Your Past

  5. Shamballa Reiki Activation to Clear and Balance Your Root Chakra

  • Restore nervous system health and alleviate your constant state of stress, anxiety, and overwhelm

  • Release fears that are holding you back from expressing your authentic self, so you feel safe, secure, and aligned

  • Raise your vibration, connect with your desires, and become an energetic match for what you seek